COVID-19 Mobile app
Design Challenge (problem statement)
The number of covid-19 cases are rising sharply in many countries. The society at large are concerned about their health and livelihood.
How might we educate our local community about the safety measures with reachable medical assistance and help to slow down the outbreak while identifying the hot spots in India
The Design Thinking Process Applied to COVID-19
DISCOVER (Get insights to better define the problem)
what do we want to do? For whom? why? Metrics? Technical limitations?
What is Covid-19? How its effecting us?
COVID-19 effecting everyone but this doesn’t mean we’re all being affected in the same way. COVID-19 has quickly transformed the world not only in terms of health but also economically.
Due to this unwanted situation it’s important to make quick decisions and problem solve under unfamiliar and constantly shifting conditions.
Considering the current COVID-19 situation, we are seeing an exponential increase in the number of infected and death cases across the globe.
User Research
After following the Covid-19 news from media and web its a human life threat to every age of people. It is highly communal.
So there will be 3 types of personas in order to provide help and get help.
User Feedback, Pain points
The Coronavirus has spread throughout the world but its exact diagnosis has not yet been discovered. But there are many things that we can do to ensure that coronavirus will not spread and infect.
The question now arise “ where can we find all the information about this”1. Putting cities under Lockdown is not enough, Testing contact, Tracing, Home isolation and rapid treatment are equally vital.
2. The flow of information is essential to curbing a pandemic while the virus responsible for covid-19 is spreading. The Gov and authorities might take several week to consolidate and make it consistent.
3. With advanced technology the distribution of information is not the problem. Its circulating the right information to the right people in the quickest time possible
To Solve this Problem I have taken reference of two UX laws: Hicks Law and Millers law.
User Stories
User flow- Main
Wire frame — Low Fidelity
Splash Screen: 4 Screens to some important aspects of Covid 19 in info graphic way.
Sign up and Sign in screen.
Permission to access GPS of user
User profile
Prototype (High Fidelity)
This project I have completed as an assignment given to by my company as an internal project as no client project was assigned to me due to Lockdown.
Deadline: 6 Days ( 48 Hour approx.)
Team Strength: Me
Tools used: Adobe XD and Photoshop.
References taken for information are from: WHO and Arogya setu
Usability and Testing: I will it up to the viewers.